Sunday, February 7, 2016

Squirrel and Suit

I like to buy suits because they look sleek and cool, even though they don't really fit in with the casual dress code at my office. So it's rare that I actually wear a suit in its entirety (instead usually choosing to wear the separates separately, as I did the last time I blogged this pink dress).

However, lately I've been having a hankering to just wear a suit. So I went ahead and did it. But to prove I'm not too serious, I decorated it with my squirrel-and-acorn pin—rakishly positioned a little asymmetrically.

I intended to wear the skirt with white tights and boots, but, opening up my sock drawer, the first thing I noticed was my pink and burgundy legwarmers. Why not? The more ways you can dress down your stuffy business suit, the better! Interestingly, the last time I wore them  was exactly one year prior!

The final thing on the menu to de-professionalize this suit was my crazy textured hair. The helmet-like layered bob that I've been sporting in my recent posts is not exactly at the height of fashion, so I'm trying to find ways to wear it that don't evoke the image of middle-aged politicians. Being short, it responds to my efforts differently than it did when it was long, but I'm still mostly failing to get it to curl.

At least, after several attempts, I have managed a pretty decent textured wave (Achieved with 9 or so tiny buns all over my head, set when slightly damp and unpinned right before bed so they could loosen up overnight). While rattier than I would prefer, it's not too far off from the styles I see on short-haired celebrities...and at least with the pink tips and the clear dishevelment, I will never get mistaken for a politician!

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