Monday, January 16, 2017

Thrift Store Formal

On Sunday morning, I got up and was dutifully scrolling through my emails when I noticed something pop up on my twitter feed. Thrift Store Formal. Tonight. For free!

Two of my favorite things are shopping at thrift stores and getting all decked out in formal attire, so I knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I had to go to this event.

I had the perfect dress already—a glitter-coated dress in two graduated shades of blue, complete with a frilly side seam and a weird ankle length that flatters no one. I had picked it up on eBay because I'm a sucker for glitter and gradients, but had no idea where I was going to wear it without looking like a fool...until I learned about the Thrift Store Formal.

My boyfriend and I gussied ourselves up, myself in everything glittery I could get my hands on, including a pink evening bag with the $2.99 tags still on (I thought that was a nicely tacky touch), and headed to the Dew Drop Inn..

Of course, when I actually got there, I was instantly intimidated by the seedy vibe. From the outside, it looked like the kind of place gambling addicts go to die. The interior was only slightly improved by the flock of 2-year-olds toddling around. I was out of my element, but my boyfriend claims to love dive bars, so we stayed until 10:00. Still, we left before we could even enter ourselves into the "king and queen" contest.

Oh well, at least I got to wear this awkwardly sized and outlandishly sparkly dress, because I don't think I could ever proudly wear it anywhere else.

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